Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Knitting Lessons

Becky and I took a for real knitting class at The Purl District in Silverton. The shop is filled with color and texture.
We had to decide on our colors, the project was to be a shawl but about half way in to it we decided to opt out for a scarf, yarn is not cheep and we did make a few mistakes. Also we decided we would wear a scarf more often anyway.

This is my pile with how it looks in the beginning.
And the close up we learned knit and purl and cast on.

This is Becky's before she did the ladder trick of dropping a stitch. We also learned how to start a new yarn color.

And this is my scarf finished. I hope Becky will post a pic of hers finished.
We did have fun and met a few of the Silverton art gals. We have one more week, not sure what we will do now that we are scarfs.
These are the rest of the classes projects, love all the color.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Pete

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Peter, happy birthday to you. We sing better when it is typed.

Here are some wonderful pictures of the cutest little boy on his 1st birthday Aug 12 1959.

It looks like he likes the ball…

but he really wants the new outfit Rick has.

Now on to August 12 1962. Pete gets a cake with a happy face on it and the rest of us finally have shirts on.

Man O Man look at that go cart!

A happy little swimmer but is that a paper bag he has for a towel?
Happy Birthday Pete may all your wishes come true today. We love you,your big sisters the ambidextrous ones.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Beach house

Under the house

Before and after a lot of hard work including Pete and Michael spending a very long day under the house fixing the posts. Thanks and Happy Birthday Pete!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Test post

This is my first attempt at the blog thing. I hope to post some beach photos next and some from our trip to Japan. Becky

Babies in the Nest and Fledged

This little bird is working hard in the garden.
Planting or pulling its all fun..

Placement of your pots is very important.

Four little birds hide in a nest waiting for food.

Some little birds feed themselves..

or try...

hey it's all good.

Some little birds will climb in others nests...

strange little bird...

We do our best to protect them..

I'm glad our little birds are around for awhile before they fledge.
This one will be feed by its parents for only one more week.
I'm very happy with this photo, remember if you click on a picture it will enlarge. My top pics to click on are - The Bean first icecream photo, George second in bed with Nana (look at her laughing) and the last one Baby Gold Finch.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Our First Post

We had such a good time at Becky's new beach house, 9 of us went to help Aunt Talie celebrate her birthday, Sister had to leave early and I'm taking the photo. From left to right is Sienna, Barb, Mom (Sue), Les, Becca, Talie and with a party look on her face, Winnie.
Becky will post photos of all the work she and Jim have done on the beach house.It is wonderful and such a nice place to stay. I feel very lucky she has it... benefits of being a sister.

We played dice, made some bracelets, read a book and just relaxed.

A chorus line on our way to the Oregon Coast Aquarium click here for a link to them.
We got some nice photos of jelly fish, sharks etc...and will post some of them soon. If you click on the pictures they will enlarge.